Rosen Method Bodywork

Within each person there is a place that is whole and unbroken


Do you want more ease in your life?

Do you feel stuck emotionally or physically

Do you want to:

Be more grounded and connected to yourself and your body

Ease chronic muscular pain

Enhance and deepen the process of talk therapy


The Rosen Method is a holistic approach to
physical and emotional health 

It combines
gentle touch and deep listening
to make a space of safety
in which you can
experience yourself more fully


"The uniqueness of Rosen Method Bodywork lies in the quality of the touch and presence of the practitioner. Bringing awareness to the inner body, Rosen Method touch helps in opening and removing layers of tension that separate us from our authentic self. We learn to recognize those moments of wholeness and to dwell in them." — Odile Atthalin, founder of Rosen Method Open Center











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